Informal letter about bad effects of smoking

Informal letter about bad effects of smoking | bad effects of smoking letter | about bad effects of smoking letter | the bad effects of smoking letter

Write a letter to your friend telling him the bad effects of smoking/advising him to give up smoking.

College Road, Rangpur
29 April, 2023

My Dear Nirjhor,

I have not received any letter from you for a long time. That is why, I am writing now. Besides that, I heard about your smoking.

I do not know the reason of your smoking but I can tell it will be no good for you. Though you know about all the side effects of smoking but, still I am going to remind you. Very first, think about your parents that how they will feel when they will know about your smoking. On the other hand, it is harmful for your health. Smoking is the main reason for many uncurable diseases such as, cancer, bronchitis, etc. Nicotine and other harmful element from cigarettes not only harming your body but also harming the environment. So, I am requesting you to give up smoking.

I am looking forward to for a positive replay.

Yours beloved

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