Summer Vacation Letter

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Write a letter to your friend describing how you have spent the summer vacation.

Uttara, Dhaka
09 August, 2020

Dear Reza,

Sorry for the late replay. I was sick after coming from summer vacation.

As you know, we are going through a pandemic. So, this year summer vacation was a bit different than as usual. In this vacation, I joined a social club to help the helpless. We went to a campaign, where we tried to provide food and medicine to the helpless. Because of COVID-19, poor people are suffering much. They have no food, no medicine or any money. So, we gather some fund and with that we bought food and medicine so that at least, we can ease a bit of their pain. Though we took proper safety but some of us affected by COVID-19. We also have to look after them. It was a dangerous summer but at the end of the day it feels satisfying by helping others. That is why. I have decided, from now on I will help people most often.

This is all for now. There are more to tell you. Visit me soon, we can spend days discussing the vacation.

Yours affectionately

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