Letter about thanking friend for the nice birthday gift

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Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the nice birthday gift.

Uposhohor, Bogura
15 August, 2023

My Dear Mondol,

I have received your letter yesterday with the gift. And I have accepted your apology because of the valid reason. Though I am a bit angry on you for not attending my birthday party but in reality, birthday is not more important than exam. And the gift is special as it is one of my favorites one. I was also planning to keep a bird as I like birds very much. But all thanks to you I do not need to plan for that as you already have presented me a pair of cockatiels. And this pair is the uncommon one. Thank you vary much for the precious gift. I will take good care of them.

Do not think that gift will cover your failure completely, so visit my place as soon as the exam is finished. Till then, take care.

Yours sincerely,

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