A Fox without a Tail

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Once, there was a clever fax in a jungle. One day, when the fox was walking through the jungle, suddenly he fell into a trap. He could somehow get out of the trap, but he had to leave his tail behind. Without the tail, he looked strange and so, he felt sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes to ome to a meeting. All the foxes of the jungle attended the meeting. The fox felt his importance when he saw all ther foxes in his meeting. He said, "My dear friends, listen to me, please. I've discovered something new, the sels of ours are useless. They look ugly and are always dirty, So, we should cut off our tails." All the foxes Istened to the cunning fox. A wise old fox was also listening. He said, "My friend, your plan is very interesting holish. As you've lost your tail, you want us to cut off our tails." At this, the fox without a tail felt ashamed and realized that they would not fail prey to his trap. So, he left the place quickly.

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