Global Warming Paragraph

global warming paragraph | global warming | paragraph global warming | global warming paragraph for class 9-10 | global warming paragraph for hsc | global warming paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on Global Warming.

a) What is global warming?
b) What are the causes of global warming?
c) What are the effects of it?
d) How can we prevent global warming?
e) If we fail to prevent it, what may happen in near future?,

Global Warming

The term 'Global Warming' refers to the rise in the temperature of the planet, earth. Nowadays, global warming has made the environmentalists think about the dreadful consequences. It has become a threat to all living beings on earth. Global warming is the result of greenhouse effect. It is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being trapped in earth. This is happening because of environmental pollution. We are destroying our tropical rain forests by establishing industries, mills and factories and using CFC gas. Thus, we are polluting our environment. By the destruction and burning down of our forests, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing.

The icreased amount of carbon dioxide around the earth has made a layer in space. The sun rays are coming through the layer but the heat cannot pass through that layer. This is why, the heat is being trapped in earth and making our globe warmer. As a result, the temperature of the world is increasing day by day. The weather pattern is changing. The alarming news is that the polar ice caps are melting and this might cause the flooding of huge areas of the globe. Bangladesh cannot escape the paws of this enemy. The lower southern part of the country may go under water one day. Effective measures should be taken by the world community to control global warming. Emission of carbon dioxide should be reduced. Deforestation must be stopped and more trees should be planted. Above all, people should be aware of preventing the pollution of the environment.

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