What is Iman?

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The word Iman (إيمان) is derived from the verb root Amnun (آمن), which means to believe, to repose faith, to recognize, to rely, to accept, etc. In the Islamic parlance, Iman denotes belief in the laws and regulations of Islamic Shariat at heart, to confess in words and to demonstrate in practice. Introducing Iman Prophet (Sm.) says-

أنْ تُؤْÙ…ِÙ†َ بِاللهِ ÙˆَÙ…َÙ„َائِÙƒَتِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَÙƒُتُبِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَرُسُÙ„ِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَالْÙŠَÙˆْÙ…ِ الْآخِرِ ÙˆَتُؤْÙ…ِÙ†َ بِالْÙ‚َدَرِ Ø®َÙŠْرِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَØ´َرِÙ‡ِ

Meaning: "Iman is-Belief in Allah, His Angels, Scriptures, Prophets, life after death, fate (good and evil both follow from Allah)." (Sahih Muslim Sharif)

In fact, absolute faith in the fundamentals of Islam is called Iman. The elementary issues of faith are described in detail in the divine scripture Al-Quran and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (Sm.).
The basic issues of faith have been comprehensively laid down in the formula of Iman Mufassal thus-

آمَÙ†ْتُ بِاللهِ ÙˆَÙ…َÙ„َائِÙƒَتِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَÙƒُتُبِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَرُسُÙ„ِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَالْÙŠَÙˆْÙ…ِ الْآخِرِ ÙˆَالْÙ‚َدْرِ Ø®َÙŠْرِÙ‡ِ ÙˆَØ´َرْÙ‡ُ Ù…ِÙ†َ اللَّÙ‡ِ تَعَالَÙ‰ ÙˆَالْبَعْØ«ِ بَعْدَ الْÙ…َÙˆْتِ

Meaning: "I repose faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Hereafter, good and evil of fate which are from Allah the Most High and Resurrection after death."

It is not possible to become a Mumin or Imandar without firm belief and confidence in the above-mentioned issues. One who has full faith in them is called a Mumin.

Relationship between Iman and Islam

Iman and Islam are two very important terminologies. Iman means belief, sincere faith in the basic issues of Islam and testimony, and to practise them accordingly is termed as Iman. On the other hand, Islam means self-surrender, allegiance etc. Total self-surrender to Allah in obedience to His commands and prohibitions is termed as Islam.

A very close and inseparable relationship exists between Iman and Islam. One is not even imaginable without reference to the other. Both are deeply interdependent. Iman and Islam are closely related as roots and branches in a tree. Iman is the root while Islam represents its branches. Branches do not grow without roots. Again, roots are of no value unless it grows branches. Likewise Iman and Islam, neither is complete without the other. Iman creates in man's heart faith in and love for Allah and also a desire to win His pleasure. Consequently Islam blooms with full glow and freshness through worship and servitude in the heart. Islam is related to the external conduct and deeds. For Example, Iman consists in belief in Allah, the Messengers, the Angels etc. And the observance of Salat, Zakat and Hajj etc. are Islam as its externalities.

In fact, Iman and Islam are mutually complimentary. In order to attain success in worldly life as well as in the hereafter, both Iman and Islam have got to be implemented in one's life.

Seven Fundamental Aspects of Iman (Faith)

Iman means faith. A Muslim has got to believe in some fundamental issues. These are conclusively established by the Quranic and the hadith. One cannot become a Muslim without this set of beliefs. Such issues are seven. These are-

1. Faith in Allah
The first and the most vital issue of Iman is faith in Allah, the Most High. Allah is one and without a rival. There is no Ilah or Mabud (object of worship) except Him. He is the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of all and everything. He is the embodiment of all qualities. His Being and attributes are incomparable. All praise and worship (servitude) are due to Him alone. To repose such faith in Allah is the most important issue of faith.

2. Belief in the Angels
The Angels are a unique creation of Allah the Most Exalted. They are created with light. They are engaged in worshipping Allah and carrying out His commands. They are innumerable. They are neither male nor female. They are free from needs unlike all other living beings. To have such faith in them is included in Iman.

3. Belief in the Revealed Scriptures
The revealed Scriptures are the words of Allah the Most High. He has revealed His own identity through these. Various commands and prohibitions, rules and regulations, good tidings, warnings, etc. have descended with them. Allah the Most High has sent these Books to His messengers. A total of 104 Revealed Books have been sent down on earth. It is essential to believe in all these Books.

4. Belief in the Nabi-Rasul (Prophets and Messengers)
Allah the Most High has sent many Prophets and Messengers in all ages to guide man to the path of good. They were the chosen servants of Allah the Most High. Among all creatures they possess the highest degree of honour. They were sinless. In obedience to divine command they called mankind to the right path of truth and justice and provided directions for peace and salvation both in this world and hereafter. Belief in the Prophets and Messengers is one of the important issues of faith (Iman).

5. Belief in Akhirat (life after death)
Akhirat is the next life after death. The life of Akhirat is ever-lasting. It has a beginning but no end. In that life man will have to furnish an account of all his earthly deeds. The grave, the resurrection, the balance, the Bridge (path), the Heaven and the Hell, etc. are successive stages of the life after death. Those who do good deeds on earth will get paradise and those not having faith and doing evil deeds will find their place in the hell. It is essential to have faith in the hereafter.

6. Belief in Taqdir (Fate)
Fate means a measured amount, destiny, etc. Allah the Most High is the regulator of human destiny. It is He Who determines good and evil of fate. Man cannot do all that he desires. Man can rather strive for his aims. After that he will not despair even if he does not get the return after striving. Again if he gains something, he shall not indulge in extreme joy. Rather he will adopt patience and express gratitude as the case may be. Allah the Most High disposes both good and bad. Such a belief is very important.

7. Belief in Resurrection
Human life does not terminate with death. Life rather consists of two parts, mundane life and the hereafter. The former is life on earth and the latter is life after death. Allah the Most High shall revive man after death. On that occasion all men will assemble on the field of resurrection. On that day Allah the Most High shall receive the accounts of all the activities of man. This being done man will be admitted into the paradise for good deeds and into the hell for bad deeds. So, it is an integral part of faith to believe that we shall again come to life after death.

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