MIGRAINE: Types Of Migraine

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Migraine is a prevalent neurological disorder. Labeled as the third most pervasive disease, it is also the sixth most disabling disease in the entire world. It has the ability to incapacitate a person anytime and anywhere and won't allow them to work or function normally. The majority of patients experience it once or twice a month. There are some people who experience the pain of chronic migraines on almost a daily basis, at least 15 to 20 days a month. Only a sufferer would know the agony of the horrible pain it offers. It is a complex brain network chaos that pulls the strings behind this horrendous pain. 

What is migraine? 

It is a complex brain network disorder producing recurrent episodes of headaches with symptom-free intervals. Moreover, all migraines are not the same. Other people often present with different symptoms. 

What are the types of migraine? 

Migraine is broadly divided into two categories. 

1. Number one, aura
aura, also known as classic migraine. Approximately one in three people have migraine with aura. 

What is migraine with aura?

A type of migraine that gives a warning sign that is called aura before the onset of a headache episode. Some people get the episode every few days, and for some people it comes once or twice a year. The causes of migraine with aura are still unknown to the medical establishment. 

What are the symptoms of migraine with aura? 

The aura or warning sign is generally a visual disturbance, such as seeing flashlights or blind spots. The aura can last from five minutes up to an hour. It depends on the severity of the episode. It is not only comprised of a visual disturbance, but one's speech can also be affected by this. Some general symptoms of the aura migraine include temporary blindness or seeing blind spots. seeing colored spots or zigzag patterns, feeling dizzy, numbness, tingling sensation like a pinpricking sensation, confusion or disorientation. The episode of migraine with aura, it begins as a dull headache but soon grows into throbbing pain. The headache and visual disturbance get worse with physical activity. Nausea and vomiting, Headache may last for about four hours and can extend up to three days in extreme cases. 

2. Number two, migraine without aura. 
This is the most common type among the other types of migraine. With a migraine without an aura, you do not get any warning signs and directly face the wrath of its episodic symptoms. Just like migraine with aura, the time slot for the attack is pretty much the same. four hours to three days. 

What are the episodic symptoms of migraine without aura? 

The headache usually presents on one side of the head. The pain is throbbing in nature. The pain worsens with any physical activity. Nausea and vomiting. Photophobia, sensitivity to light. Phonophobia, sensitivity to sound. Other types of migraines. Silent migraine. The one without headache, though one could experience an aura in this type of migraine. Hemiplegic migraine As the name suggests, paralysis or weakness following numbness occurs for a short period in one side of the body during the episode. Abdominal migraine There is not much research about this type, but it typically shows symptoms associated with the abdomen like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. 

Vestibular migraine Ophthalmic migraine Also termed as retinal migraine, it is associated with short-lived visual disturbances or vision loss in one eye. The dull ache originates from the back of the eye and extends up to the crown of the head region. Migraine with brainstem aura This type of migraine is connected to hormonal changes in the body. It is associated with symptoms like confusion, dizziness, and loss of balance, etc. Menstrual Migraine This type of migraine is linked to the menstrual cycle of women.

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