Application for a half-holiday

Application for a half-holiday | application for a half holiday | application for a half holiday | prayer for a half holiday | an application for a half holiday | application for a half holiday for class 6 | an application to the headmaster for a half holiday |

● Write an application to the Headmaster praying for a half-holiday to enjoy a friendly cricket match. 

21 June, 2022
The Headmaster,
Laksam Pilot High School,
Laksam, Comilla.

Subject : Application for a half-holiday.

With due respect, we beg to state that a friendly cricket match will be played today at 3:00 pm on our school playground. It will be played between our school team and Homna Pilot High School team. We wish to enjoy the game.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant us a half-holiday to enjoy the game and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
The students of Laksam Pilot High School.

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