Informal letter about physical exercise

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Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take regular physical exercise/necessity of physical exercise.

25 December, 2023

Dear Ikram,
It seems you are not doing well and also not doing physical exercise. Mother told me in her last letter.

You are at your young age. This is a very important time for building a good stamina, physics and health. If you do not do that then it will affect you in the future. And the best way to keep good health and stamina, is physical exercise. It does not only increase stamina or keep body healthy; it also helps mentally. Physical exercise can be done in various ways such as, swimming, walking, Playing in the field, etc. You can achieve both pleasure and good health by doing these exercises. Physical exercise also keeps you away from many diseases.

Hope you understand the importance of physical exercise. Next time, I will give you some suggestion regarding exercise. Till then, Take care.

Yours elder brother,

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