What is kufr?

kufr, kufr meaning, kufr meaning in islam, what is kufr, what is kufr in islam,

Disbelief (الكفر) literally means to reject, disbelieve, cover, conceal, to show ungratefulness, to be disobedient, etc. In the Islamic parlance 'Kufr' means rejection or disbelief in any of the fundamental issues of the religion of Islam. Kufr is the contrast of Iman. Belief in the basic issues of Islam is called Iman. And disbelief in any of them is Kufr.

Kafir (unbeliever)

One who indulges in disbelief is a Kafir. In other words, if a man disbelieves in any of the basic issues of Islam he is then termed as a kafir. 'Kafir' means unbeliever, a rejecter. Man may become akafir in a number of ways, for example:
  1.  By disbelieving or rejecting the existence of Allah. It means that if a man says 'Allah does not exist,' he will become a kafir.
  2.  By rejecting the attributes of Allah. For example, not considering Allah the Most High as the Creator or Sustainer.
  3. By disbelieving in the seven basic issues of faith, these being - the Angels, the Prophets and Messengers, the Revealed Scriptures, the Life after death, fate, etc.
  4. By rejecting the basic forms of worships such as Salat, Zakat, Swam and Hajj.
  5. By rejecting permitted things as forbidden such as permitted food, drink, etc.
  6. By taking forbidden things as permitted. For example, drinking wine, f. gambling, taking interest, indulging in bribery, etc.
  7. By imitating the unbelievers out of own choice, such as using their g. religious symbols, etc.
  8. By mocking at Islamic issues, such as talking ill of the holy Prophet (Sm.) or ridiculing Al-Quran.
By doing the above things one turns into a Kafir. Under such circumstances one has to reaffirm his Iman and repent with a sincere heart and also vow not to commit them again.

Consequence and Demerits of Kufr

The consequence of kufr in human life is very grave. One will have to suffer dire consequences for kufr not only in this life but also in the next life. Some of such demerits are mentioned below -

a. Disobedience and Ingratitude
Kufr fosters disobedience and ingratitude in man. Allah the Most High is our Creator. He nourishes us. All the worldly amenities are His gifts. A Kafir disbelieves in Allah, and rejects Allah as the Giver of these bounties. He becomes ungrateful to Allah the Most High. He disobeys the divine ordinances; consequently, he is regarded as disobedient and ungrateful in the society.

b. Rise of sinfulness
A kafir rejects the issues of faith, such as Allah the Most High, life after death, resurrection, balance, paradise, hell, etc. He rejects such idea that man will have to account for his deeds in his next life. This worldly life is his dominant concern. So, he indulges in dishonest and obscene practices by the lure of wealth and pleasures of the world. He becomes accustomed to theft, dacoity, hijacking, terrorism, usury, bribery, gambling, etc. As a result the society increasingly suffers from sinfulness.

c. Formation of despair
By nature man likes to cherish hope. Without such hopes and aspirations, man
cannot survive with gracefulness. A kafir disbelieves in Allah the Most High and
fate. He becomes impatient in any danger and calamity. He cannot adopt
patience by relying on Allah the Most High. On the other hand, as he does not
have faith in fate, he utterly despairs in the face of any failure. As a result, his life
passes through extreme despondency.

d. Spread of immorality
Kufr promotes immorality in the human society. A kafir cannot realise the importance of morality because of his lack of faith in the next life, heaven, and hell and can desperately adopt falsehood, corruption, rape, etc. for worldly gains. He does not follow the moral character and teachings of the Prophets and messengers because of his absence of faith in them. Thus immorality spreads in the society through disbelief.

e. Displeasure of Allah the Most High
Disbelief in Allah and ungratefulness and disobedience to Him grow from kufr. An unbeliever does not care for the rules and regulations, commands and prohibitions of Allah the Most High. He rather rebels against and opposes Allah the Most High, Islam and the Muslims. As a result, Allah the Most High becomes displeased with him. And one is doomed to perdition notwithstanding his high power and huge wealth, only because of displeasure of Allah the Most High.

f. Eternal punishment
The unbelievers will suffer painful punishment in the next life. They will abide in the hell for ever. Allah the Most High Says-
وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَكَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا أُولَئِكَ أَصْحَبُ النَّارِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَلِدُونَ 
Meaning: "Those who disbelieve and reject our signs will surely abide in the hell. They will remain there forever." (Sura: Al-Baqara, Ayat: 39)

Disbelieving is a deadly sin. So, all should abstain from it.

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