Letter about your plan after the examination

informal letter about your plan after the examination

Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do/your plan after the examination.

Beldar Para, Rajshahi-6000
17 September, 2020

My Dear Tuhin,
I am going to write you about my plan after the SSC examination as you wanted to know before.

After the examination, I am going to visit my village for some refreshment because I almost spend last six month studying restlessly. I want to spend time under the shadow of the trees beside the river to enjoy the fresh and clean air. Besides, as you know I am a bit village lover. So, I want to spend some time with villagers and observe their culture. I am also planning for farming. I want to experience everything related to the village life. And mostly, I am going to enjoy winter food as it will be winter after my exam.

This is all the plans till now. I will let you know if I add any other plan. And, also do not forget to write about your plan.

Loving yours

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